Please visit this link for an update on the US-Israel Energy Center, Energy Storage Consortium, for which Dr. Albertus is the PI for the US team.
Please visit this link for an update on the US-Israel Energy Center, Energy Storage Consortium, for which Dr. Albertus is the PI for the US team.
Here is a link to our just-published paper on Li metal solid state battery thermal behavior.
Congrats to Nate for finishing this publication!
A belated congratulations to Nathan Johnson for passing his proposal defense (Nov 2021)!
A belated congratulations to Mary York for finishing up her MS in December, with a thesis titled “Determination of methods to effectively study interfaces in sodium solid state batteries.”
Welcome to Caitlin Parke, who has joined the group as an Assistant Research Scientist to work on modeling of high-energy lithium metal cells.
Check out “Former members” for more information.
Learn more about these new groups members in the “Current Members” section of our site.
In the Albertus research group, we develop physics-based models, carry out experiments on electrochemical cells and components, and create innovations for electrochemical energy technologies.
We are currently working on projects funded by the BIRD Foundation, DOE Basic Energy Sciences, and DOE ARPA-E.
Please follow the links above to learn more about us and the exciting activities we are pursuing.